Nick Dunklee
Software Engineer
Senior Software Engineer - Sovrn
2018 to Present
- Create company-wide KPM dashboards, (Rust, Datadog) tracking daily cost, speed,
security, performance, availability, quality; leveraging APIs from AWS, GitHub, VictorOps,
SonarQube, Monocle, Dependabot, Synthetics, Tanium
- Utilize AI technology (ChatGPT, Copilot) to accelerate prototyping and development
- Implemented ephemeral testing environment using Docker, enabling local simulation of
the entire shared tech stack expediting the decommissioning of an expensive remote
datacenter and parallelizing the dev-test cycle for devs
- Replaced expensive commercial performance-testing software with custom scalable
EKS solution to measurably reduce spend
- Design migration plan from legacy Kafka to 2.3 and performance test compression
mechanisms to maximize speed vs record size
- Architect transition plan for live upgrade of global Aerospike infrastructure to avoid
downtime/revenue loss, automating via Ansible/Molecule
- Deploy SonarQube across org to automate code coverage reporting
- Streamlined engineer onboarding to expedite productivity and standardize practices
across teams
Software Development Engineer in Test – Spectra Logic
2016 to 2018
- Ruby-Cucumber, PowerShell, Bash frameworks for test automation
- S3 cloud simulation for test automation
- Big data deep storage testing
- Automated tape library testing
Senior Software Engineer – Qualcomm, Inc.
2011 to 2016
- Automate testing of prototype, virtual chips, 3G, LTE, smartphone, cell tower, APQ8064, and others
- Migrate source control to Git from ClearCase
- Automated log parsing and reporting
- Increase reliability of lab equipment to reduce downtime losses
Software Engineer III – Cisco Systems, Inc.
2008 to 2011
- IPSec, AnyConnect, 3G MicroCell, Telepresence
- Virtual build automation infrastructure
- Release engineering
- Teaching
- Budgeting to reduce spend
Software Engineer II – Apple, Inc.
2007 to 2008
- iPhone
- macOS
- iCloud
- Time Capsule
- Design VPN test infrastructure from ground up
- WiFi Projects
- Troubleshoot Wi-Fi issues for Steve Jobs at his home
Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
University of Michigan
- Automate anything
- Created a 1000-mile-long USB link over WAN (yes, anything!)
- Make any system talk to any other system
- Teach anyone regardless of technical level on operational processes and systems
- Documentation wizard